Horse Fun!
Horse Fun!

Horse Fun!

Earlier this year we went to our friend Cheri Neal’s house for the fourth annual time! She has a bargain with a local boarding stables and award winning horse owner, and long story short, she works there every single morning to muck out the stalls, feed the horses -everything!! Cheri has been so kind to let me come and help her with the daily chores! This year my sister Ro came with us and we had a blast! We helped her with the chores and, as I mentioned in another post, we got to ride the owner’s award winning Andalusian stallion named Desperado! I also got to trot him! Here are a few pictures we took from that fun time…

Me and Ro doing the mucking!
Us with a horse named Sky.
This is me leading Desperado to his outdoor pen.
Ro grooming Desperado.
This is us petting a horse named George.
This is me and Cheri leading Desperado back to his stall.
Me and Cheri!


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