Reading “Love Does” by Bob Goff
Reading “Love Does” by Bob Goff

Reading “Love Does” by Bob Goff

This was the second book I finished of the reading list my parents gave me for homeschooling. I must say, I really enjoyed this one! I found myself looking forward to reading more. It was delightful, funny and inspiring. I especially liked the stories, Bob’s fun, silly, whimsical personality and how he does crazy things!

I’ve actually had the kid’s version of Love Does for quite a while so some of the stories were familiar! Most were new to me though.

I thought it was interesting how under the title of each chapter he had a little saying of “I used to think__ but now I know__”, it having to do with the moral of each chapter.

What’s something you liked about it (and why)? I liked all the funny stories from Bob’s life and the way he tells them. I’m not sure if he remembers all these vivid details or if he just amplifies the story a bit but they’re very funny! He’s got a lot of notable stories from his life, which I think is the point- love impels you to do notable things. But he’s very good at telling stories, adding funny little remarks and including details that enhance the story. Some of my favorites were: The Reach, Ryan in Love, Sweet Maria, Go Buy Your Books, Corner Store Economics, Jeepology, God is Good and more. He’s got crazy stories, from the time his friend shot him in the belly with a BB gun when they were kids, to when he flew through the top of his jeep when an old lady hit him, to when he and his friend snuck onto the set of National Treasure 2.

And of course there’s how he’s used the gifts and profession God gave him as a lawyer to help hundreds of kids in Africa. He’s a very remarkable person.

What’s something you disliked about it (and why)? I think I was a little judgmental and on guard going through the book because I know Bob is Protestant and my family and I are Catholic. I wish I would have let that guard down a bit. Although I do feel like has has some opinions about “religious people” and things that I’m not sure I agree with. Maybe not always but he tended to classify “religious people” as bad and he offered a simpler way of following Jesus. Now I know sometimes the people he was referring to were probably the people that go too overboard and may be hypocritical, people that overcomplicate things because it’s easier sometimes. What Bob offered was not necessarily easier but simpler. I struggle with this balance of our Catholic practices versus actually having a real relationship with Jesus so I have no right to judge either way. But I felt that at times, not with everything he said, that he was simplifying it a bit too much and removing some of the harder parts that have value. I also know that even though at the end of pretty much every story and chapter he brought it around to talk about God, that he was talking more figuratively and whimsically. I’m not sure exactly what he believes.

I also had a hard time with how he’d connect certain points together at the end of some chapters. With different Bible reverences, metaphors and the points he’s trying to make, I struggled to understand his way of bringing that together sometimes. Maybe it was because there were too many points he was trying to bring it into? And again, he talks whimsically when it comes to that. But I also try to understand every line I read and am too black and white so it probably just wasn’t my style.

What was your biggest takeaway or lesson? A lot of the chapters ended very uplifting and inspiring. Some of the points I like were “Just Say Yes”, “Memorizing Jesus”, “Palms Up”, as well as reminders and interesting metaphors of God’s love and mercy. I especially liked the parts about going on big adventures that God invites you to. It comes back to the other point that I resinate with, which is: love does. It’s true. And that’s what this book is about.

I especially liked how the book ended with the chapter “Two Bunk John”, which is an amazing story, and then the Epilogue. There’s an invitation that when you’re not sure how to move your dreams along, to figure out the next step and to do that. And a lot of times the next step is as easy as picking up the phone, sending an e-mail, writing a letter, buying a plane ticket or just showing up.

I liked that after hearing about all Bob’s crazy things he’s done, that we can all do these crazy things for God too!

What is something you’re curious to learn more about as a result of this experience? I’d like to read some more from Bob. I’d like to learn more about the work he and Two Bunk John are doing in Africa. And I’m interested to put into practice some of this stuff as well, like loving and forgiving without limits and being a more joyful, whimsical person.

Thanks for reading!


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