So our family has a tradition that each year around our birthdays (All three of my sibling and I’s birthdays are within 3 weeks, right before Christmas) our dad makes our birthday cakes for us. We get to pick whatever we want on it and it’s been our classic birthday tradition!
I wanted to share all the different birthday cakes of mine over the years! You’ll also get to see most of them from my siblings too. It’s been a great memory and I hope you enjoy seeing them all. <3
1st year
Of course I didn’t really get to pick this one but I’d say my parents made a pretty good choice! I loved Curious George (and still do!) so it’s so awesome that that was my first taste of cake on my first birthday.

2nd Year
Ah yes, for my 2nd year we had Elmo. I absolutely loved Sesame Street but Elmo had to be my favorite. We celebrated at my grandparents house and my grandpa played “happy birthday” on his accordion!

3rd Year
For my 3rd birthday, we went with Minnie Mouse. As you can see below I was very excited about that choice! Or maybe I was just enjoying the idea of cake by then!

4th Year
The 4th year was a rough one. We had a party for me and my brother’s 1st birthday, and sadly I was sick on the couch for it. However, that cake may have been my favorite one so far! My dad did great, it was very beautiful! I chose Princess Merida who was my favorite princess at the time- and might still be. But I still got to blow out the candles from the blankets!

5th Year
For the 5th year, I got to share with my brother Ben. 🙂 I think my love of horses was starting to emerge, pretty early on! I used to love playing with and watching the Disney Princess’s horses, Phillipe, Maximus, Angus, Khaan, Sampson, etc. This one is Phillipe who is the horse from the Beauty and the Beast.

6th Year
Cue cheetah #1 (yes, I ended up picking more than one cheetah over the year ?). This must have been when my love of cheetahs started to come as well!

7th Year
During this year we took a trip down to Florida and while we were we there we got to visit the Clearwater Marine Hospital and see Winter the dolphin! She’s the dolphin that lost her tail but was still able to live and swim. The story of Winter inspired two movies and my birthday cake that year!

8th Year
I wanted to show all 3 cakes for this one to show how my dad coordinated the colors of all three cakes. Sure, it probably helped that 2 were Sith Lords (my 3 year old sister had a weird fascination with Darth Vader at some point). But they all match which is pretty cool! He’s very creative with only having a specific color palette for all 3 cakes instead of mixing up every single color that could be needed. You’ll see some more of that soon. I believe I was Elsa for Halloween that year which is probably why I chose that one. ?

9th Year
Ah, more horses! This is specifically a Friesian which was my absolute favorite breed back then, but don’t get me wrong I still love them! This one turned out pretty good. 🙂

10th Year
Cue cheetah #2! This one was similar to the last one but I actually think it was an improvement! I was starting to get into cheetahs more and I think I was just starting up my new dog walking business to donate to help cheetahs.

11th Year
We’re getting down there! Remember what I said about starting up my dog walking business? Well this was after a very successful year of it! I had sponsored 3 cheetah guard dogs through The Cheetah Conservation Fund and to honor that we did a cheetah/guard dog inspired cake! It was a very unique, creative cake!

*12th Year*
My 12th birthday was right around when we moved to our new house so we must have skipped them that year as I could not find anything about them.
13th Year
For my 13th birthday I ended up going kind of simple, but it turned out really beautiful! For some reason I couldn’t find a picture of my brother’s that year but my sister’s was “Big”, the made up character that she invented!

14th Year
And finally, last but not least! I hope to cauntinue this tradition for a while yet but this is where we’re at now. To signify my huge year with horses, including leasing my first TWO horses I decided to request my current lease horse, Elliot. He captured him perfectly! This set is another example of how well he uses a specific palate of colors for all 3.

Well that shall conclude all the birthday cakes. Like I said before, there will be more in coming years so I might just end up updating the post as we go along. I hope you enjoyed, thank you for reading!
Shine on!
Lucy <3