My name is Lucy.
I am 16 years old and in 10th grade.
I have two siblings, my brother is Ben and my sister is Ro (her real name is Virginia Rose but she likes to be called Ro). We are homeschooled, and have been for our whole life!
This website is about my latest projects and things happening in my life, and it has actually turned into a part of my high school homeschooling. The goal is to put up a post each week sharing about something I’ve done in my life lately and I answer a few questions about it. They are all categorized with a verb, depending on what it’s about!
To share a bit about me, I am a Catholic and I love the Lord and the church! We go to a beautiful church that’s about 6 minutes from our house. Two new priests have recently come to our parishes who we’ve been loving getting to know more! I’m always learning more and some of my favorite saints/blesseds right now are St. Therese of Lisieux, Blessed Carlo Acutis and St. Joan of Arc. But I also love Mother Mary, who I’ve recently done a consecration to!
I am a serious horse lover. I am currently on a break from this but for about 3 years I’ve taken riding lessons and leased a horse. The one I had been leasing for about two years is named Elliot! I started leasing him when I grew out of the pony/Arabian cross, Chester, that I was leasing before. Elliot is an Arabian. I really grew in love with him and we got pretty comfortable with each other. I mainly struggled in being too nice and not telling him how it is. We focused on dressage together.
I also am a member of the United States Pony Club and have the D3 HM, D3 Dressage, D3 Flat and D2 jump ratings. I’ve gained a ton of great skills and have really enjoyed being apart of it, especially the lots of clinics I’ve done and our annual fundraising show which I’ve ridden in all three years that I’ve been a member.
We’ve been a part of a local homeschool coop for about three years! Some of my favorite classes I’ve done through it has been drama, speech, art and food science. This year I’m in art, gym, baking and drama! Drama is my favorite- I’ve done it once before but our teacher is amazing and we’re working towards a two night performance of a collection of funny skits and things. I’ve gained a lot of skills being in front of people in drama, speech classes and performing in a skit based on Winnie the Pooh with two other friends last year!
We live on Lake Michigan and enjoy seeing the wildlife and how the lake changes at different times.
For several years I’ve worked at a couple different horse barns, doing morning feeding and chores. Currently I work at the fast food restaurant, Culver’s! I’ve mainly been working at the register and handling the money on drive through, although I’m starting to do the order taking on drive through as well!
Our parents are business owners. When I was younger I had two businesses at different times. A dog walking business called Lucy’s Leashes and a hat knitting business named The Fearless Filly. I really loved learning about money and business through managing them! For a while my dog walking business was donating a lot of money towards the Cheetah Conservation Fund- cheetahs are one of my favorite animals and I was very passionate in helping them because they’re endangered.
My dad travels a lot for his job and I’ve done a lot of traveling. Both with him on our Dad daughter trips and as a family. I love to travel! Some of my favorite places I’ve been is Yellowstone, Hawaii, Montreal, Mexico, Newport Rhode Island and Maine! There’s a lot more though too!
Another thing I like is piano and music. I’ve been taking piano lessons for many years! This past year for Christmas, I played “Linus and Lucy” for a recital. My siblings and I also recently joined a choir as a part of a homeschool group in the area! It’s been a neat experience, I’ve been enjoying it! We have our performance near the end of November.
So that’s a bit about me. Hopefully you will check back in often and there might be something new!
Thank you for reading, enjoy! 🙂
<3 Lucy