Happy Thanksgiving!
This is going to be just a fun post, I won’t be answering the questions I usually do for posts as my school project.
This idea was inspired when I was drawing a piece of art on Procreate on Thanksgiving day, the one above- a whole bunch of my favorite Thanksgiving foods! It was a cozy afternoon, we had football on, we had a fire in the fireplace and the turkey that was cooking was starting to fill the air, it smelled so good! I thought that this would be a kinda fun post to do!
Our Dad makes an amazing Thanksgiving dinner! A lot of what it includes will be on this list. We also have a great Thanksgiving meal with our grandparents and Dad’s side of the family when we get together each year! Some of it is from that too.
I always look forward to Thanksgiving. Especially the food, the Thanksgiving vibe, and spending time with family.
So, let’s get into it!
11. Corn
In last place is corn. I know, many people like it. It’s just- meh. I’m not a big corn person at all, even corn on the cob in the summer. I’ll eat it, I like it, but it wouldn’t be my first choice. I get that people like to eat it with the turkey and stuffing and mashed potatoes and gravy, all in a big bite. I’m not that person. In my opinion, corn is a waste of space on your plate and in your stomach on Thanksgiving.
10. Ham
I don’t know how popular this is for most people on Thanksgiving, I just know we had it this year at our Thanksgiving with extended family, in addition to turkey. I’m not a big ham person. I’ll eat it, but it’s not my favorite kind of meat. I really like the store-bought cubed ham, “ham bites” as our family calls them, but I’m not in love with fresh ham. Also a reason I like the turkey is because you can have it with the stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy all in one bite. Ham, you can’t really do that, at least I wouldn’t want to.
9. Green Bean Casserole
Green bean casserole is so-so. I kind of like it. The main problem but also the thing I kind of like is the cream of mushroom soup that goes in there. It has grown on me but I’m still not a mushroom fan.
8. Sweet Potato Casserole
I haven’t had a ton of versions of this, but the one my aunt makes is super good! It’s got brown sugar, nuts and stuff on top. It’s like candy! However, I’m still not a big sweet potato fan, they just aren’t my favorite.
7. Deviled Eggs
These have become a tradition in our house, usually my mom and my brother make them for our family Thanksgiving. It may have kind of started because our Papa really loves deviled eggs and we were having him and our grandma over for Thanksgiving dinner, I’m not sure. I like them, they’re a good mix of flavors! I’m not the person who would eat six of them though, one or two is fine for me. I’ve never been a huge egg person. They’re just not my favorite item on the table.
6. Cranberry Sauce
This is something we haven’t been having for too many years but I’ve been liking it! Cranberries aren’t my favorite fruit but I like them, and how they’re in that liquidy gel or jam type stuff makes them even better! They’re still not a fruit that I could just keep eating more and more of like most others (I like fruit), the flavor becomes not so nice after a while, in my opinion. They’re still a nice verity to the Thanksgiving dinner.
5. Rolls
I’ve always been a bread person! I love bread. I also don’t like to butter it. Rolls can be done in lots of different ways, my grandma used to do these yummy, soft rectangular rolls which I loved! For our family Thanksgiving we’ve been doing Hawaiian rolls with butter on top. So good! You can’t go wrong with rolls!
4. Turkey
Turkey is iconic to Thanksgiving, and I do really like it. It can be done good or bad, but I like the taste and texture regardless. This year especially, when our dad made it, it was super juicy and delicious! Now, I love the big bite of turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy and stuffing all together. That’s part of the reason I like turkey so much, having it with those things. It might be slightly lower on the list if it were just plain, by itself.
3. Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
Let’s be honest, the main thing I like here is the gravy. However, the combination of the gravy with the mashed potatoes is pretty great. And then those things in a big bite with the other stuff… so good! You just can’t go wrong with gravy.
2. Strawberry Pretzel Salad
This one is probably very specific to our family Thanksgiving. We have an amazing recipe for strawberry pretzel salad that was handed down by one of our grandmas, I think, and we’ve been making it for years! It’s a layer of pretzels and butter on the bottom, a delicious layer of a cream cheese and cool whip mixture, then a strawberry jello layer filled with strawberries, topped with a layer of just cool whip and then crushed pretzels. So good! All the flavors go so well together, I love it! We’ve got a lot of nice memories with it. It’s one of the things I look forward to the most about occasions like this!
1. Stuffing
Finally, the winner is stuffing! It’s something I’ve liked more and more over the years. Our grandma has an amazing homemade recipe for stuffing that is so good. But even just the kind from a box I love! I wouldn’t like it as much plain, without it paired with gravy, and then adding in those mashed potatoes and turkey, yum!
As for pie goes… the main ones we’ve been making for our family Thanksgiving lately have been chocolate cream, apple and pumpkin. If I had to rank those… chocolate would get first- especially with a graham cracker crust, delicious! The other two are close, but specifically on Thanksgiving I’d go with pumpkin. Apple might be ahead at other times, but pumpkin gets second for this- with lots of cool whip of course!
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed!
Happy Thanksgiving!