Today we went to a field trip with our homeschool co-op to Mulberry Lane Farm. It was a great experience! They let people into almost all of their animal pens and let you hold a lot of animals!
We got to milk a cow- which I may have done only a couple times, if that. We could hold baby chicks, go in by and pet the turkeys (a little freaky!), feed, go in by and hold the goats, pet pigs, calves, sheep, hold chickens and bunnies and more! There were some adorable ponies and mule type guys. There was also a monster pig that was laying down. His name was Elmer and he weighs 850 lbs! He was crazy!
We also went on a hay ride and later we each got to pick out a pumpkin to bring home!
We were in the group of our homeschool co-op that had more little kids because our friends were in that group. So we enjoyed seeing all the little kids get so excited about the animals and have some funny moments! There were some pretty brave kids!
We also enjoyed hanging out with our friends, who we also sat with at lunch and had a nice time talking with.

What’s something you liked about it (and why)? I loveddd being able to go up to all the animals, have neat interactions and hold a lot of them! Not many times do you get an opportunity to milk a cow, go into the sheep pen and pet turkeys! I think my favorites were the goats which we got to pick up, and the calves. I also enjoyed holding the chicks, bunnies and chickens.

What’s something you disliked about it (and why)? I wish I would have been less self conscious and awkward with the other kids at times. And I wish I would have been more friendly, said hi, etc. I struggle with these kinds of things but I think it would have been nicer otherwise.
What was your biggest takeaway or lesson? Maybe just the reminder of how much I love animals. I love connecting with them, holding them, etc. I’ve done a lot with horses the last few years and a lot of it has been fun, a lot has been stressful but it’s all become more normal and not as special or exciting. But I liked seeing that I still do enjoy animals- and horses! I was still eager to see the horses in the field there today, just like I was when I was younger. I think it’s a lot of the day-to-day, daily grind that I have a hard time with.
What is something you’re curious to learn more about as a result of this experience? I love going to these kind of farms in the fall!! They’re so iconic to this season. It kind of got me interested in the idea of growing fruits and vegetables and then selling them! I think that would be a neat thing to learn more about and do.
Thanks for reading!