This past weekend we went to our first away from home clinic of the year, our first time trailering off property this year. Our Pony Club was hosting a clinic, taught by one of our adult members who is a super high-level, talented, amazing dressage rider. She has done many for our club but this was my first time riding with her.
It was a great experience! We had some new members riding that day, from our barn we had a total of 8 riders and 6 horses going. My instructor rode a new horse they’re leasing too! We were also going through different rally inspections, to help our new members see what it’s about and see what being ready for a rally involves. So we did a turnout inspection and safety check before we got on for our clinic lesson, we did a turn back inspection and a required equipment check.
The instructor was awesome, I liked her style and she really worked hard all day. She gives constant feedback, instruction and information. She had some interesting metaphors and phrases that were cool! I wanted to work on bending, connection, getting his head down and stuff like that. We worked on I think flexing with my inside rein, I now know I need to work on keeping my posting more even instead of rising or sitting with one seat bone first and more. I’m trying to learn and work on connection and stuff right now, some of what she said makes sense and some of it I’m still confused on. But I just have to keep working at it.
Elliot was a little bit crazy at times, probably part of it was him picking up on my nerves. She made sure and had me make sure I wasn’t clamping with my legs though too towards the beginning because I he was being hyper and I may have been doing that.
It was a gorgeous day, it was fun to see some other people ride, I loved getting to ride with the instructor and she was just so sweet and did a great job. It was fun to be out and about with everyone, be out with Elliot and take care of him. It was a nice day!
What’s something you liked about it (and why)? I loved getting to be out and about, bopping around the barn with people from our farm, other Pony Club members and with Elliot! It was such a beautiful day too!
What’s something you disliked about it (and why)? It felt like I spent a lot of time taking care of Elliot- getting his stall set up, I then groomed him, cleaning his stuff, taking care of him before and after the ride which takes me a while usually anyway, cleaning his stall. Some of it I could have been more efficient on or was waiting for people, but I wish I wouldn’t have spent so much time doing all that I guess?
What was your biggest takeaway or lesson? I wish I would have been more friendly to people, the adults in our group, the kids in our group and the other Pony Club members and people there. That’s something I struggle with and although I don’t want to be super cliquey or anything, I still need to be kind and friendly. It’s harder now that I’ve already put up barriers.
What is something you’re curious to learn more about as a result of this experience? Being exposed to the riding instructor and we have been to her barn before, and being at the barn we were at that day too- just this vibe of high level riding and horse care that’s very cool and interesting. I’d like to keep learning dressage and getting better. I also loved being on this property- it’s one that we have a lot of clinics at but this day we had it inside their barn and using the indoor arena which isn’t usually the case. We also had to go in the house to use the bathroom which was nice and they have a bathtub and these windows overlooking a gorgeous view of the property and horses outside which added to the vibe! I’d like to learn more about stable management and stuff. I love all the little decorations and personal touches she had up, all the equipment and items, white boards, she also has this cool sign in the arena that says “Every Ride Counts”.