Recently I’ve gotten a new phone!
The old one I had was not a regular phone brand, it was one from a separate company that you could only do the main functions, call, text, calculator, calendar, clock, etc. and you couldn’t add any apps. Needless to say, the camera wasn’t very good on this phone.
It was giving us some problems so we needed to change something. The one I have now was my dad’s phone which both my parents just got their’s replaced, so I got a pretty nice one as an upgrade. I’m the main one using it but it’s meant to be a family phone, it should be on the counter, not something to add a bunch of apps to and hangout on which us kids have our iPad’s for.
I started taking some pictures about a week ago after feeding the horses while waiting, which I’ve been wanting to try. Mainly to just sit with the horses and have fun with some pictures. Not expecting how this would end up!
I started with the chickens. It was good- fun, then I turned it to portrait mode and got these!

Then I decided to go out to the horses. I had to take this one below but then turned it back to portrait mode. 😉

So much fun! I was surprised how good they turned out and was so excited to show them to my family.
The cats at the new barn I work at love attention! You can give them a little scratch and then they will start purring and not leave you alone. It’s hard to get pictures of them and I have a lot that are just furry blurs. But this was the best one of today.

I decided to do some more over then next few mornings there as well! Her are some from the next day. Take into account that I’m showing the best ones, there were manyyy that didn’t work out.

And then some from the next day:

And finally this one is from the most recent morning:

I’m excited to do some more of this! As a part of this new High School Homeschool project on the blog, I’m going to be answering a few questions in each post. Firstly, I should have a summery of the assignment which is basically what’s above. Here are the questions:
What’s something you liked about it (and why)? I liked how quick and easy it is to get a cool looking photo! Of course you need an eye for what to take a picture of but you can just keep moving your phone around a few times to different perspectives and angles and you get some really nice pictures that look like you spent a long time on it. It shows the animals in a cool, creative, deep, inspiring and artsy way.
What’s something you disliked about it (and why)? I guess some of them feel a little too classic, like you see these kinds of photos and angles all the time that it’s just not super unique. That’s something I struggle with when it comes to the idea of photography, having your own style. It’s hard to be unique and develop your own, different photography style. It’s also is very hard to take a pictures of animals! Which I knew that and people always talk about that, but it’s true. I had lots of failed attempts, it’s hard to take a picture of a moving target!
What was your biggest takeaway or lesson? I think just having fun with getting satisfying, look good pictures. It was fun!
What is something you’re curious to learn more about as a result of this experience? I would love to learn more about photography. Angles, techniques, and how to develop my own style and make them more unique.
I hope you enjoyed the pictures and I hope this inspires you to get out with your camera and have some fun!