My Favorite Pixel Horses :)
My Favorite Pixel Horses :)

My Favorite Pixel Horses :)

I have *ahem* a lot of horses in Star Stable…

I figured it might be fun to make a little list of my favorite pixelated equines to roam around Jorvik with (in no particular order of course 😉). I also wanted to show of some of my better photos with these horses, I really love taking random pictures as you will see!

1. Icee (Show Name: Ice Ice Baby)

I love this picture because I think it was the literal first photo I took of this horse after I bought it! I’ve been wanting a thoroughbred for a while and I finally treated myself to one. I think she approved of my choice!

2. Athena

There was a time in SSO after the Generation 3 Arabians came out where the Arabians were superrr popular! I mean I don’t blame everyone, they were very well done! This was my first Arabian and she was very beloved for a while. Fun fact- her actually in game name is Powermind. If you’re a greek god fan, you know you know. 😉

3. Frenzy

Frenzy is my adorable Appaloosa mare! I have no story- I just love her. I did spend a lot of time trying to decide on the coat of Appaloosa to get but I think I picked the best one. Plus the appaloosa’s are super great for shows and very photogenic so I really like doing that with her!

4. Bay

Bay is my absolutely beautiful Shire mare! I love the updated shires so so much. The gaits are so smooth and pretty and the coats are really good too! This was my favorite of the coats, although I love the black one that looks like Angus from Brave! Apparently I love bay horses so much that I’ve finally decided to name a horse Bay. It fits her though! They’re just so chunky and big and cheeky but so cute!

5. Tinyshine

This is my little man, Tiny Shine! He is definitely my favorite pony. I mean I only have two others which are Jorvik ponies- but still! He’s just so small and adorable. :>

6. Ravendancer

Finally, last but not least I figured I’d include Raven because he’s a classic. The Jorvik Friesians are very controversial and while their animations are not perfect I was obsessed with them at a time. I bought two, a black one and a white one and although I like them both the black one was the original. I bought him do be my dressage horse for my very own club a couple years ago. That was a big deal for me back then! I don’t ride him all that much now but I think he’s catching up on that retirement because he definitely deserved it.

Well, that’s the end of this post but I hope you enjoyed! Thank you for reading and let me know what YOUR favorite animated horses are down in the comments, whether that be from SSO or another equestrian game.

Keep riding Star Fam <3

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